« Les ouvertures » of the New Grand Palais, an episode by GrandPalaisRMN

In 1900, when it was inaugurated for the Universal Exhibition, the Grand Palais was a masterpiece of openness and light. You could walk through it from east to west, north to south, taking advantage of its many perspectives and abundance of natural light. This monument, comprising the Nave and its galleries, the intermediate building and the Palais de la Découverte, was a fluid and welcoming space.

Over the years, however, the building has become progressively more compartmentalised. Circulation routes have narrowed, distant views have disappeared, and natural light has become increasingly scarce. Aware of this challenge, Chatillon Architectes embarked on an ambitious programme to restore the Grand Palais to its original splendour.

The main aim of this project is to reunite the Grand Palais by reopening the corridors and restoring forgotten perspectives, while at the same time bringing the light back into the 77,000 square metres of the building. This transformation will involve some exceptional works, offering transparency and views of the architecture: monumental French windows, new light inlets, and openings in the façade.

These major works embody our agency's commitment to preserving the essence of the building while breathing new life into this iconic monument. 


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