Laying the first stone for the extension project of the former Brest Post Office

On March 29, during the first stone ceremony for the former Brest post office, a site visit took place with Blandine Frachon and Simon Chatillon (Chatillon Architectes), along with representatives from La Poste Immobilier, Bouygues Immobilier, Acapace, the Mayor of Brest, and several local and national journalists.

A symbolic gesture of laying the first stone was entrusted to students from Lycée de la Croix-Rouge in Brest, who participated as part of a three-year educational program organized in collaboration with the Association Jeunesse et Entreprises (AJE).


Armand (on the left) and Téo, students in their first year at La Croix Rouge High School in Brest, laid the foundation stone this Wednesday at noon for the future senior residence in the former central post office building on Rue de Siam. (Le Télégramme/Anthony Berthou)